Coker Cemetery Association, San Antonio, Texas

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The Cultural Development of Coker Community, Texas

by Jeanette Stanfield


1     See Appendix II, 39. [back to document]

2     The San Antonio Light, April 21, 1936. [back to document]

3     Interview with Mrs. Julia Kelley. Her father, J. Harrison Coker, and his bride came to Texas in a wagon drawn by oxen. [back to document]

4     Vivian L. Jones, Report written for Coker Community Church, September 12, 1939.
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5     Interview with James M. Coker, June 21, 1941, who was 80 years old at that time and the oldest living descendant of the original Coker family. See Appendix III.
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6     Ibid. [back to document]

7     J. Marvin Hunter (editor), The Boy Captives, Clinton L. Smith and Jefferson D. Smith, p. 119. (The Smith brothers' sister, Caroline, married Leonard T. Coker, one of the first settlers of Coker Community. The boys themselves resided near the community before they were captured by the Indians. See Appendix I for the story of their captivity). [back to document]

8     J. Interview with Rev. A.E. Rector, March 1, 1942. Rector was the first regular preacher at Coker Community Church. [back to document]

9     In February, 1863 J. Harrison Coker and Joseph Coker together bought a negro slave, Robert, who was about 26 years old, from T.G. Faidley. It appears that J Harrison Coker was in the habit of having a standing account with Faidley and possibly Coker had bought slaves at earlier dates. [back to document]

10     J. Book of Receipts and Expenditures, 1861. [back to document]

11     J.K. Stevens to J. Harrison Coker, 1861. An extract of a letter quoted in J. Harrison Coker's diary. (J.K. Stevens must have been the family physician because Eldredge M. Coker possesses a receipt for a bill of $150 paid by J. Harrison Coker for medical services rendered his family). [back to document]

12     The New Orleans Trice Times, Nov. 24, 1860. Note, blanks stand for words the writer could not make out. [back to document]

13     This railroad was one between San Antonio and Austin, which was called the International Great Northern at that time. It is now a part of the Missouri-Pacific lines.
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14     Mat Wilson was a brother of Neill B. Coker's wife. [back to document]

15     "Father" refers to Joseph who came from Alabama to share John Coker's grant of land with him. [back to document]

16     Davidson was an English general who served most of his time in India. Upon retirement he came to Texas for his wife's health and settled in Coker Community.
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17     Taylor Jones was a son of Amos D. Jones, one of the first settlers.
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18     Interview with Mrs. Julia Kelley, January 31, 1942. [back to document]

19     This company printed The New Texas series of Primer, Primer Speller, Primary Reader, Spelling Book, and Grammar. Book and Job Printers were with the Express Printing Company which put out "The Weekly Express". In 1876 the subscription price for "The Weekly Express" was $2.50 a year. [back to document]

20     Interview with C.E. Jones, July 20, 1942, one of the students of the school on the church grounds. [back to document]

21     The original receipt is in the possession of Mrs. Bertha Jones.
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22     Interview with Mrs. Bertha Jones, Dec. 31, 1941. [back to document]

23     School Minutes in County Commissioners Court Room, Vol. 3, pp. 101-105.
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24     Interview with R.W. May, June 22, 1942. [back to document]

25     According to a Home-Coming Program, dated November 6, 1932, the building was erected in 1886 and was used until March, 1939; whereas the "History of Coker Community Methodist Church" which was prepared to be enclosed in the corner stone of the present church gives 1885 as the year of the building. [back to document]

26     San Antonio Express, February 2, 1939. (The land on which the church stands was donated by Neill B. Coker and Leonard T. Coker, two of the first settlers of the community). [back to document]

27     Interview with Mrs. Julia Kelley, January 31, 1942. [back to document]

28     Interview with Rev. A.E. Rector, March 1, 1942. [back to document]

29     Eldredge M. Coker, a son of James M. Coker has in his possesion this paper which gives the signatures and the amount each was to pay. The paper bears the date September 30, 1886. [back to document]

30     Interview with Thomas C. Marmon, November, 1941. [back to document]

31     “History of Coker Community Methodist Church” prepared for the corner stone of the rock building by Mrs. Erna Sandau, Mrs. Luther Townsend, and Mrs. E.H. Orchard.
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32     Interview with Rev. A.E. Rector, March 1, 1942. [back to document]

33     J. Harrison Coker, "Diary". [back to document]

34     Interview with Mrs. Fannie Coker, June 21, 1942. [back to document]

35     “History of Coker Community Methodist Church” prepared for the corner stone of the rock building by Mrs. Erna Sandau, Mrs. Luther Townsend, and Mrs. E.H. Orchard.
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36     On a Home-Coming Program dated November 6, 1932, it is stated that Coker Community Church is attached to and under the supervision of McKinley Avenue Methodist Church in San Antonio. [back to document]

37     San Antonio Evening News, July 17, 1941. James M. Coker was the oldest member of the original Coker family until his death July 17, 1941. The remaining members of his family are three sisters: Mrs. Julia Kelley, Mrs. Annie Maltsberger, and Mrs. Mattie McNett.
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38     Pitts, William C., "The Church in the Wildwood". [back to document]

39     The Boy Captives, Clinton L. Smith and Jefferson D. Smith; hereinafter referred to as Hunter, The Boy Captives. [back to document]

40     Hunter, The Boy Captives, 12. [back to document]

41     Ibid., 30. [back to document]

42     Ibid., 40. [back to document]

43     Ibid., 35. [back to document]

44     Ibid., 55. [back to document]

45     Ibid., 57. [back to document]

46     Ibid., 62. [back to document]

47     Ibid., 7. [back to document]

48     Ibid., 178-9. [back to document]

49     Ibid., 204. [back to document]